Review of cam model alyssa-desire from BongaCams

We are sorry, this model is now offline (last performed webcam show was on December 22 2024 04:49:08 (GMT)), but you can find below the latest online photos and bio details, as well as a selection of similar chat models who are online right now. Please check the schedule and come back when they log in, or register as a member of our community to receive email notification as soon as the model goes online.

alyssa-desire’s profile has received 164 visits, a figure that aids the webcam model in ranking on

alyssa-desire’s profile image

alyssa-desire’s BongaCams Profile Image

Offline Model



Model Features

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Model Country

Flag of Colombia Colombia (CO)



Hair color

red hair

Eye color

brown eyes


5'10" - 6" [175cm - 185cm]


140 - 160 lbs [60 - 70 kg]

CamScore (Model ranking by user ratings.)


Viewers in chat room


Sign up date

2023 Dec 01


  • Flag of ItalyItalian
  • Flag of EnglandEnglish

Gender category


All Live Transsexual Webcam Models



Onlyfans account

We don’t have any records regarding OnlyFans activity for this cam model.

Turn on:

I love that they play with my hair. To be honest, a good shoulder massage before or during sex really turns me on. It turns me on when you run a finger along my spine. Some romantic candles really make me feel sexy. When I'm alone, I like to start slow and pick up little by little. I need to change position frequently to stay aroused, I love it when you make long movements with your tongue. It makes me feel really good and I would love for you to keep doing it more. I like it when you run your fingers through my hair. Don't be afraid to tug on it a bit next time. Kiss me more intensely is more useful and pleasant than Don't be so indecisive. I would love it if you used your tongue more it's better than I hate it when you don't use your tongue. You are very good at foreplay. Let'***eep doing it longer

Turn off:

Dear viewers, First of all, I want to thank you for your constant support and for joining me on my streams. It is a pleasure to be able to share special moments with all of you. However, I would like to talk to you about a few things that turn me off during my streams that I would prefer to avoid to ensure an enjoyable and respectful experience for everyone. Offensive language: One of the most important aspects for me is to maintain a friendly and respectful environment. The use of offensive language, insults or derogatory comments towards me or other viewers will not be tolerated. I want this to be a safe and welcoming space for everyone, where we can enjoy ourselves and have fun together. Disrespect: Mutual respect is essential. I will not tolerate any kind of disrespect towards me, my boundaries or any other viewer. Disrespectful comments or behavior, including harassment, discrimination, or any form of verbal violence, will not be tolerated and will be removed immediately. Disrespectful Requests: While I appreciate your suggestions and wishes, it is important to remember that each person has personal limits and preferences. I will not accept requests that make me feel uncomfortable, that are illegal or that go against my principles. Respect my decisions and let's enjoy together what is within my limits. Spam behavior: Constant spam of repetitive messages, links or promotions interrupts the flow of the transmission and negatively affects everyone's experience. I ask that you avoid spam of any kind and focus on interacting in a respectful and meaningful way. My goal is to provide you with a unique and satisfying experience in each transmission. I am here to share special moments, have fun and create a positive community. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and exciting environment. Thank you for being a part of my community and for your continued support! With love, Alyssa

Sexual preferences on live webcam chat:

#analplay, #assfingering, #assfucking, #asstomouth, #blowing, #blowjob, #buttfuck, #camshow, #chatting, #cocksucking, #cuminmouth, #cumonass, #cumming, #dancing, #dildoplay, #dreaming, #enjoying, #facial, #feetfuck, #flashing, #fucking, #fuckinghard, #handjob, #kissing, #licking, #lovemaking, #massage, #masturbation, #rubbing, #stripping, #sucking, #teasing, #tugging, #HD+, #Games, #KingoftheRoom, #English, #Italian, #American, #PrivatesFor60-89Tokens, #Full-PrivateChatFor90+Tokens, #GroupChatFor20-39Tokens

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Reviews, Members Comments & Fans Messages

It’s time to share, you know what they say: sharing is caring. Greet your favorite cam model, support their path into celebrity and help them go viral. Please share your opinion about this show performance. Follow other fans, be social and leave a nice and motivating message for “alyssa-desire” to be able to improve its online presence and position on the front pages of our site. Share with other members of our community your naughty fantasies or your real experience with the private webcam sex show offered by this model.

Active accounts used by alyssa-desire

Disclaimer: These may be used by the same model on other webcam sites or simply be identical nick names.

Offline at Flirt4Free

Picture of Alyssa-Desire from Flirt4Free
Flag of EnglandFlag of GermanyFlag of RussiaFlag of SpainFlag of FranceFlag of ItalyFlag of Netherlands

9 rating at Flirt4Free

Offline Model

Age: 25

Content updated Sunday - December 08 2024.