Review of cam model jessikkaasexy09 from Chaturbate

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jessikkaasexy09’s profile has received 771 visits, a figure that aids the webcam model in ranking on

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1970 Dec 23





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Beautiful woman #notyoung #nicesmile #neatbreasts #slimlegs #feet #pussyandorgasmonlyinpvt - Goal is : iPhone #beautiful #woman #notyoung #nicesmile #neatbreasts #

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Tom Thumb : I tried the number and it gets through to her
September 21, 2024, 7:29 am  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply
Jack sprat: Yes IrIna Strelnikova real name - she does escorting too +33 6 59 08 87 76
September 23, 2024, 12:08 am  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply
Frenchie: Yes, I arranged to meet her in a hotel. She was really up for it and was desperate for sex. Really a fabulous lay and she was happy for me to do it without a condom. She enjoyed it so much that she only charged me 150 euros. Money well spent would recommend you try her.
September 24, 2024, 12:17 pm  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply
Big Bob: I was chatting in private message to her on her site and she offered to meet up for 3000 tokens. I am near Lyon so I tipped her and she gave me her details. I visited her apartment and we had sex all afternoon. Face to face she’s not a cute little French girl but a Russian grandmother, but she appreciated the money. Worth 3000 tokens if you are near Lyon, France.
January 12, 2025, 11:51 am  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply
Piere: Be very careful of her. I paid for her WhatsApp on her site and she just kept asking for money - lots. She says that she is a poor little French girl and needs money for food, rent etc. if you don’t pay up she blocks you. But she’s not poor or French or a little girl. My advice is avoid her like the plague, she is just a street corner sex worker and will bleed you dry and you will get nothing in return.
January 15, 2025, 9:21 am  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply
Fritz: She uses her website as a front for her escorting. I fell in love with the on line cam model and flew out to Lyon to meet up with her for sex. When I met her I thought it was her mother. We were having sex in her apartment (200 euros) when her “boyfriend” started banging on her door. She said that I’d better give him 500 euros or he will beat me up. This I did and he went away. A costly experience for meeting up with an old woman not the pretty girl on her site. Avoid avoid avoid!
January 28, 2025, 5:40 am  ·  Dislike  ·  Reply

Content updated Wednesday - February 12 2025.