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Review of cam model Ekaterina-Zaitseva from Flirt4Free
Ekaterina-Zaitseva’s profile has received 330 visits, a figure that aids the webcam model in ranking on Cams.reviews.
Ekaterina-Zaitseva’s profile image
In Free Chat for 190 min
Model Features
Ekaterina Zaitseva
Model Country
Ukraine (UA)
Chat room type
Video quality
Live HD Streaming
CamScore (Model ranking by user ratings.)
Nr. Photos
4 Photos
- English
Twitter account (New X.com)
Onlyfans account
We don’t have any records regarding OnlyFans activity for this cam model.
Presence in chat categories, fetishes, videochat experience
European Girls, Small Tits, Foot Fetish
Profile Description
I love tall , muscular , powerful but calm men . I want to feel strength and confidence from him so that he could silence me with just a look, tremble from his rough, rough hands and passionate lips. The best and favorite position is when a man is standing, and I am sitting on the table, for example, he penetrates me holding me almost on weight. Also the "cancer" position or its other name is Doggy-style, so the feeling is felt more sharply, besides, domination from a man is manifested, I also like oral sex, just the thought that it gives him pleasure makes me wet, I also like it when he is rough pushing into my mouth grabbing my hair. Complete submission, let him take the initiative gives me pleasure, my body cavity belongs to him, let him do whatever he wants (within reason of course)
Reviews, Members Comments & Fans Messages
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Content updated Wednesday - January 29 2025.