Review of cam model Jacob-Santos from Flirt4Free

Jacob-Santos’s profile has received 24 visits, a figure that aids the webcam model in ranking on

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Jacob-Santos’s Flirt4Free Profile Image

In Free Chat for 207 min



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Jacob Santos



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Live HD Streaming

CamScore (Model ranking by user ratings.)


Nr. Photos

38 Photos


  • Flag of EnglandEnglish
  • Flag of SpainSpanish

Gender category


All Live Male Webcam Models



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Onlyfans account

We don’t have any records regarding OnlyFans activity for this cam model.

Presence in chat categories, fetishes, videochat experience

Monster Cocks, Muscle, Bi-Curious

Profile Description

I hear the enchanter of the dark night, the seducer of the light that surrounds me. I like to feel the warmth of the eyes that look at me, the taste of the whispers they send me, the sound of the sighs that accompany me.\r\rI like the feeling of intimate connection, the touch that surrounds me, the smell of desire that surrounds me. I like the taste of the pleasure they offer me, the sound of the passion they whisper to me, the heat of lust that envelops me.\r\rI like to be the object of desire, the center of attention, the king of the night. I like to feel the power of seduction, the strength of desire, the intensity of pleasure. I like to be free, to be myself, without masks or pretexts.\r\rI like to feel the closeness of someone who loves me, the passionate kiss of someone who wants me, the burning gaze of someone who adores me. I like to feel alive, feel loved, feel desired

Reviews, Members Comments & Fans Messages

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Content updated Friday - February 14 2025.