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Review of cam model Amanda-Frecuency from SkyPrivate
Amanda-Frecuency’s profile has received 0 visits, a figure that aids the webcam model in ranking on Cams.reviews.
Amanda-Frecuency’s profile image
Online for 189 min
Model Features
Amanda-Frecuency’s Video Teaser
Model Country
Colombia (CO)
Hair color
red hair
Eye color
green eyes
Body constitution
Regular - Mature
163 cm
62 Kg
Sexual orientation
Skype category
Regular - Mature
Price per minute
CamScore (Model ranking by user ratings.)
Is not active on Discord
- English
- Spanish
Onlyfans account
We don’t have any records regarding OnlyFans activity for this cam model.
Erotic experience
#mature, #latina, #sexy, #horny, #milf, #fuck, #boobs, #tits, #huge, #big, #stepmom, #teacher, #roleplay, #bdsm, #outside, #blowjob, #titsjob, #lovense, #toy, #dildo
Profile Description
** I am an experienced woman who still feels that life owes her new experiences every day, I love learning new ways of seeing the world, everything continues to surprise and excite me as if it were the first time. I am here discovering a universe totally foreign to me, I feel the anxiety of the unknown and the happiness of daring, everything would reach its perfect purpose if I can meet and find people who complement me and we can create a unique bond despite the distance. Passionate about reading, astrology, a good coffee, an interesting conversation, sexually daring, [more]
Reviews, Members Comments & Fans Messages
It’s time to share, you know what they say: sharing is caring. Greet your favorite cam model, support their path into celebrity and help them go viral. Please share your opinion about this show performance. Follow other fans, be social and leave a nice and motivating message for “Amanda-Frecuency” to be able to improve its online presence and position on the front pages of our site. Share with other members of our community your naughty fantasies or your real experience with the private webcam sex show offered by this model.
Content updated Wednesday - January 29 2025.